a compilation of products, furniture, jewelry, architecture and artists that float our boat.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Sub-Studio 2008 Gift Guide: Orange

As always - click on the images to see the products!


  1. I love this color!!!! I just posted an interview on Maquette with Lorena Barrezueta....I LOOOOVe her work. Are you going to her sale? I might go but I have a ton of work to do and I'm trying to be retail chaste!!

  2. The feature pendant is gorgeous, lovely choices all round :)

  3. thanks, ladies! And, Sam - checked out your interview with Lorena - great to learn more about her!

  4. Thanks for including my pillow Anna!

  5. we have the dozi paper clip holders in our store in fuschia and black.


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