a compilation of products, furniture, jewelry, architecture and artists that float our boat.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Sub-Studio 2008 Gift Guide: Black

We're excited to present the first installment of our 2008 gift guide! Over the next few weeks we'll be showcasing our favorite picks for the holidays - by color, because we thought it'd be more fun that way...Due to the current financial climate, we tried really hard to keep all gifts under $!00. Anything that is more expensive than that has been marked with an asterisk. So, without further ado, we present the best gifts in black! Click through the images to get to the products themselves.


  1. seriously can't wait for the other picks!

  2. Wow. My holiday shopping made easier :-) I really like the "love jar" and its also available white ( i checked the website ). The skull button Magneat is amazing and also available in various designs. Cant wait for more hints . . .

  3. love the gift guide. still need to order cards from you. did the wrapping paper ever come in?

  4. wassup LA! we weren't able to find a good manufacturer for wrapping paper in time for the holidays...we have a few leads, though, so next year for sure!

  5. cool. make me look good.

  6. some of these links connect to the wrong item.

  7. Anon - thanks for letting me know - I'm not sure why but it was mapping the coordinates from the White gift guide. I think I've fixed it - if you have any more issues, please comment!


We've been getting some spam comments in the past few months, and so have turned on comment moderation, but if you are a real, live person not touting drugs, we'll get your comment up, asap! Also, comments left under user names that are obvious spam keywords (some recent ones: dining room tables, organic baby cribs) will be deleted. Thanks!