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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Skateboarding and Architecture

A mini article from Wired about how New Oslo Opera House Is Really a Stealth Skate Park and how architects all over enlist skaters to design their public spaces...for skating. Believable? Sort of.

Why is it that this typically happens in non-USA projects, even though the US is where skating is has more participants than baseball. Maybe US architects are just haters. Nice infographics, watch out for the mob kickflip.

If you actually want an interesting take on skateboarding and architecture, I recommend Iain Borden's book Skateboarding, Space and the City: Architecture and the Body.


  1. "Maybe US architects are just haters."

    Maybe they just don't want to deal with FRIVOLOUS LAWSUITS.

  2. Then they should be speaking out against ambulance-chasing lawyers, not the people getting hurt.

  3. Keep up the great work on the blog guys....enjoy the majority of your posts


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