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Monday, April 06, 2009

Albrecht Durer

I am always curious the process behind master works. For some reason I think that things must have just popped into their heads and that everything flowed so easily from mind to hand to paper. While it was probably pretty easy because of their innate skill, I know they invested a lot of time into research on proportion and anatomy. Here are two Albrecht Durer drawings: first a sketch with notations of the proportions of a hand, and second the famous Hands I. I love to see sketches and process work because it helps see into the mind of the artist. You can see more of Durer's work here.


  1. Dürer is one of my favorite artists: thanks for sharing!

  2. This is very interesting because we might actually learn something about the subject by looking at this figure study.

    There is a number of different theories about pointer-to-ring fingers ratios.

    Some studies seem to indicate that those with ring fingers longer than pointer fingers have higher than average spacial ability.


    I had even heard that long ring fingers indicated higher than average creativity. But, I cannot find that information at this time.

  3. Nice, insightful post. As well, with the variety of content, it's nice to see you covering works of our historical heros.



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