a compilation of products, furniture, jewelry, architecture and artists that float our boat.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Volkswagen CC Chicago Trip

We're back in New York after a great trip to Chicago. Volkswagen brought us out to Chi-town to review the new 2009 CC (review to come later today). We also had a few free afternoons to wander around Chicago at our leisure - if it weren't for the crappy winters, I would move there in a heartbeat! It's a great city - the downtown is really beautiful and well-planned. We stayed at the Hotel Sax, right next to Bertrand Goldberg's gorgeous Marina City towers.

We'll be writing throughout the week about the side trips we took - a private tour of Frank Lloyd Wright's Home and Studio in Oak Park and dinner at Moto, known for molecular-gastronomy.


  1. So you are important enough to get a junket from VW and we are not.

    What's your point?

  2. actually, the point has nothing to do with importance (we consider ourselves lucky, not important) but with the desire to share some of the cool design experiences we had last week...

  3. Yep, but sure didn't come across that way.
    Just omit how you got access and write the post.
    Otherwise it's kinda show offy. Like the time I was invited to go with Becks to see his new Armani underwear.
    Wait. never mind.

  4. The design trip as part of the experience/lifestyle/brand is part of the VW strategy, and it is important that the review is framed in that context. VW offered the trip as a courtesy and we need to preface our review by stating that so readers are aware of the situation. We are also a lifestyle blog, and the activities on the trip warrant attention and that is why we introduced them in this way.


We've been getting some spam comments in the past few months, and so have turned on comment moderation, but if you are a real, live person not touting drugs, we'll get your comment up, asap! Also, comments left under user names that are obvious spam keywords (some recent ones: dining room tables, organic baby cribs) will be deleted. Thanks!