a compilation of products, furniture, jewelry, architecture and artists that float our boat.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tessa Farmer

Tessa Farmer creates amazing miniature sculptures out of insects and plant roots. The scenes are both natural (in the wars that occur in nature all of the time) and unnatural (in her new insect creations and the situations she constructs). They have such amazing detail - I'd love to see one in person. Tessa's artist's statement:
Tessa Farmer describes her work as "a tool to realise imaginative possibilities that might otherwise linger unseen, just beneath the surface". The tiny fairies and hell's angels she creates from plant and tree roots owe their scale to the insect wings which sprout from their backs. Although Farmer declares that they are growing smaller still! Farmer presents herself the conjurer of, rather than the maker, of these 'creatures' examining their behavior and evolution. "A bid to reignite childlike curiosity has witnessed the emergence of a species of miniature skeletal creatures resembling the human form". The new works will continue to investigate this fictional world where the behaviour of these fairies becomes increasing sinister as they mutate, mimic and torture the insects around them. Most recently she has observed their use of bird and animal bones to create flying vessels that facilitate their reign of terror. These creatures acknowledge the nastier side of childhood imagination, the antithesis of the Victorian notions of fantasy they seem to emulate.
Via Design You Trust.


  1. Tessa's work is amazing and creepy!
    I just wanted to say thank you for your amazing blog. I visit almost everyday, and though I rarely comment, I always feel inspired. I have given you an award. You can link to my blog to read the details of the award: http://nothing-elegant.blogspot.com

  2. thanks so much! Glad you like the blog and we appreciate your comment...

  3. It's just really cool. Awesome really.

    But why do designers and artists need these hyperintellectual statements all the time?

  4. Because if artists just said "I make this stuff in my spare time/because I have grant money I have to use/to try and feed my family. I don't know- I just like it," nobody would be interested. Ya know?


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